Nowadays everything is online people prefer to spend money through plastic cards rather than cash. In the present world credit card is a need of the person. Even studying students can get credit cards for there spendings. It helps them to create a good credit history for there future loan requirements.
Credit card is a card issued by banks to its customers. In this customer borrow the money from the bank to make payments to merchants. The credit card also called a payment card. The front side of credit cards having Issuing bank logo, EMV Chip, Hologram, Card Number, Card Network Logo, Expiration Date, Card Holder Name, Contactless Chip. The reverse side of card having Magnetic Strip, Signature Strip, Card Security Code.
Features of students credit cards
1) Students Credit Cards not required many documents like salary slips, Income Tax Returns for income proofs. It's required very minimum documents.
2) These credit cards offer various discounts and cashback for students while purchasing online books.
3) These credit cards having a low limit up to 25000.
4) The validity of students credit card is 5 years.
5) Joining fees for these credit cards is either free or very fewer fees.
6) Annual fees of these credit cards are very low compared to other credit cards.
7) Interest rate is very low.
Eligibility and Documents for Students Credit Card
1) To get students credit card he or she should be minimum 18 years of age.
2) He or She must be college going student.
3) Birth certificate for age proof.
4) Identity card of a college.
5) PAN Card copy.
6) Address Proof document.
7) Passport size colour photo.
Top 3 Best Credit Cards for students in India.1) Bajaj Finserv Credit Card
1) Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank provides SuperCard that combines the power of four cards into one card.
2) This credit card provides interest-free ATM withdrawals.
3) In this credit card, you can convert more than RS 3000 purchase into easy EMI.
To get more information you can visit this link.
2) SBI Student Plus Advantage Card
1) This credit card only available for the customers who took an education loan in State Bank of India.
2) To avail this credit card you need to have a fixed deposit in the bank.
3) This credit card having zero annual fees if you purchase more than 35000 transactions.
4) This credit card not having any renewal fee.
5) This credit card can be used in India as well as in aboard.
6) This card offers 5% Value Back on Departmental and Grocery spends.
7) SBI students credit cards provide
Accelerated Rewards,
Worldwide Acceptance,
Add-on Cards,
Online Booking of Railway Tickets,
Utility Bill Payment Facility,
Balance Transfer on EMI,
Easy Money.
For more information visit the SBI website
3) ICICI Bank students Travel Card.
1) This card is very easy and convenient to use.
2) Students who are studying in abroad for them this card is a blessing in disguise.
3) Through this card, you can withdraw money from 1.5 Killian Master Card ATMs.
4) This card provides you with different discount option along with exiting destination offers.
These discounts are available in 131 countries.
5) You will get travel insurance benefits in this credit card.
6) This credit card provides a Membership of International Student Identity Card (ISIC)