NEFT and RTGS Return Codes

NEFT and RTGS is one of the fastest way of transfer money from sender to receiver. When you transfer money using NEFT and RTGS, if money is not credited to beneficiary it will return to your account. NEFT and RTGS return back or failure basic reasons are Account Number is wrong, IFSC code is wrong, Connectivity failures.

These are the Automatic Clearing House Return Codes

R01  refers to Insufficient Funds.

R02 refers to Account is Closed.


R03 refers to No Such Account or Unable to Locate Account.

R04 refers to Invalid Account Number.

R05 refers to Unauthorized Debit Entry Account number structure not valid.

R06 refers to Returned per ODFI’s Request.

R07 refers to Authorization Revoked by Customer.

R09 refers to Operation Suspended in an account.

R10 refers to Customer Advises Not Authorized; Item Is Ineligible, Notice Not Provided, Signatures Not Genuine, or Item Altered.

R11 refers to Customer Advises Entry Not in Accordance with the Terms of the AuthorizationUsed by the RDFI

R12 refers to amount credited NRI account. Foreign transaction only accept through 
foreign exchange. 

R13 refers to RDFI not qualified to participate Financial institution is not qualified to participate in ACH or the routing number is incorrect.

R14 refers to Representative Payee Deceased.

R15 refers to Beneficiary or Account Holder is Deceased.

R16 refers to Account is Frozen 

R17 refers to File Record Edit Criteria (Specify)Some fields that are not edited by the ACH  return.

R08 refers to payment stopped or stop payment on item.

R20 refers to Non-Transaction Account The ACH entry destined for a non-transaction account.

R21 refers to Invalid Company Identification The identification number used in the Company Identification Field is not valid.   

R22 refers to Invalid Individual ID Number IN CIE and MTE entries, the Individual ID Number is used by the Receiver to identify the account.  

R23 refers to Credit Entry Refused by Receiver.

R24 refers to Duplicate Entry The RDFI has received what appears to be a duplicate entry.

R29 refers to Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized.

R31 refers to Permissible Return Entry.

R33 refers to Return of XCK Entry The RDFI determines at its sole discretion to return an XCK entry. NPCI
The most common NEFT Return codes are 

R03  Return Remarks is Account Not found.

R12  Return Remarks is Credit to NRI account.

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