bo id Means in CDSL
Before Moving to the topic bo id means in CDSL first understand What is bo id ? The bo id stands for Beneficial Owner Identification Number In simple words bo id is 16 digit unique identification number given to Beneficial owner at the time of Demat Account opening in CDSL through an authorized DP or Stock Broker. When you open a Demat account online, the CDSL will send you a welcome letter with all of your account details along with bo id number The bo id number is mandatory to mention in all future transactions and its unique for every beneficial owners to avoid wrong entries
Format of bo id 1234567800000000
In the context of CDSL, the bo id is a 16-digit numeric character, The first 8 digits are the DP id -12345678 and The last 8 digits are a unique client ID provided by CDSL - 00000000 as shown in the image
For example, In Context CDSL your Beneficiary Owner ID is 1234567800000000 then your
bo id is 1234567800000000
DP id is 12345678
Client id is 00000000
Conclusion :-
Now you clearly understand that meaning bo id in the Context of CDSL . In case stil you have any doubt you can just comment below.